Saturday, February 19, 2011

Raul Amores and Beekeeping in Cebu, Philippines

Sustainable Professions and People who make a difference in Cebu

Beekeeping or apiculture is the maintenance  of hives  or bee colonies in order to collect honey, beeswax, to produce other bees or keep them in order to pollinate crops. A beekeeper or apiarist is the person who maintains these bee hives or colonies.

Beekeeping in Cebu has been possible because there are beekeepers like Raul Amores who willingly share their knowledge and love for bees. Our bees in Cebu at KPAF (Katunggan Permaculture Adventure Farm) and KGZ (Kamagayan Green Zone- An Urban Permaculture Project) were set up with the kind guidance of Raul. We are very proud to say that our bees have shared their  honey with us and our friends. Last Christmas our bees joined in the Christmas spirit of sharing.

Our bees help us grow our own sugar. Thanks Raul for sharing your invaluable patience and support.


  1. hi, I wanted to try bee farming but couldn't find the right resources (like seminar or training). Is it possible that I can get in touch (email or phone) with KPAF or KGZ...or anybody you can help me? Just post the details here please.

    thanks a lot


  2. hi there,
    raul amores is the guy to see, you can facebook him and he can help you set up a small backyard bee farm and can guide you all through the steps. thanks

    1. hi, can't seem to zoom-in on his facebook account. Will you be kind enough to paste here the correct URL?


  3. sir can i have your contact #, i want you to talk in personal about beekeeping, tnx

  4. sir can i have your contact#, i want you to talk in person about beekeeping. tnx

  5. Sir, please message me. i just recently had a bee farm.0-background on the business. need your help...09088944607

  6. i would like to buy a colony and start it as a hobby where do i purchase one please help! and i wanna doa business of it too..

  7. Hi, My name is David. I live in the united states and I am moving to the south Cebu, Philippines in the next 6 months. and I build quality bee hives and frames and I would like to talk with people about my products.
    thank you, David A. Hesse

  8. Hi sir Raul, want to visit ur location of beefarm but i dont knw where...

  9. Hi do you sell beeswax???? Pls email me!

  10. Hi. im looking for beeswax .. pls ping me at 09324442909

  11. Hi. im looking for beeswax .. Please Txt me in this # if You are selling Beeswax sir :) 09332087927

  12. Hi Sir I'm looking for trainor of honey bee keeping at the same time a starter kit for this technology for my beneficiaries in Livelihood program for DSWD. Please txt me @ 09057351925

  13. hi..good day..where can I inquire about bee keeping?

  14. hi..good day..where can I inquire about bee keeping?

  15. Hello good morning,ask lang ko Kinsa mobaligya ug colony bisan Walay siminar ang mopalit
