Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Food trip, Vietnam

The top thing to do in Vietnam is to EAT. They have been blessed by the great Mekong River  that brings in food and water for the fruit bearing trees and the rice fields.

The Vietnam War against the French lasted 11 years and that of the Americans another 18 years. How did the Vietnamese provide for their food. While the French and the Americans were eating government issued canned food, the Vietnamese were provided for by mother nature. They ate rice, seafood and fruits. Also, according to the guides at the Cu Chi tunnels, they also ate dogs... Where did the dogs come from? The Vietcong set-up traps for the soldiers and the American soldiers in turn brought about 3,000 sniffing dogs to locate the Vietnamese. Thus, with the Vietcong expertise at trap making, they were able to regularly have dog meat on their menu.

yummy shellfish

more shellfish

my favorite



coconut candy



rice cakes

banana chips

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