Sustainable Use of Spaces & Cebu's Urban Green Lungs
main entrance |
What comes to mind when one thinks of the Redemptorist Church?
Masses, novenas, yearly fiesta and processions,
Fr. Rudy Romano and his disappearance,
Intelligent priests, Irish fathers,
Meaningful but concise sermons,
Ms. Ybanez & Jesuit songs,
Proximity to STC,
& the obligatory First Friday mass...
Homeless families,
Motley crew of terroristic vendors,
Extortionists watch your car boys,
Horrible traffic during school hours and wednesdays...
altar |
back of church stain glass |
I can go on and on...
I have to stop now before I turn too negative...
near STC |
Of course, the Redemptorist Church is all that...
But, it is also one of Cebu's Urban Green Lungs.
behind stc |
What is a Green Lung?
A parkland near the city,
an open space where there are trees and plants,
where people can enjoy a healthier environment,
and engage in different healthy activities,
like walking, exercising, socializing, meditating...
elizabeth pond road |
It is a place where one can breathe fresh air,
feel the positive energy of the trees,
bask in the tranquility of nature,
commune with God
and experience his power as the Creator
and the Supreme Being.
parking area |
Normally, a green lung is a public park.
But since parks are a scarcity in Cebu,
I am on a mission
to find alternative green lungs in Cebu.
magnificent acacia tree |
So, first on my list is the Redemptorist Church Grounds...
When I was young,
my dad would purposely drive us by the area,
just to feel the cool breeze.
He said that if one whistles,
it stirs a breeze.
Perhaps it is true,
maybe it is my untarnished naivete,
or perhaps it is my way of remembering
treasured moments with my father,
but everytime I go to the Redemptorist Church
and do my traditional whistle,
a cool breeze always comes.
big mango tree |
seminary grounds |
at the St. Alphonsus seminary entrance |
So, next time you are at the Redemptorist Church,
try your luck at whistling for a breeze,
maybe God will send you one,
and let you experience his presence in Nature.
The best time to enjoy the Redemptorist Green Lung
is after the 7am mass,
the air is still crisp and cool...
But anytime is good,
just don't go there after dark,
coz it is not safe.
Good Luck!
my 74 year old mom doing her morning walk |